beautiful Sunday, saw delicious recipe, try cooking this yummy dish.

Combine finely grated lemon rind, butter, choped mugwort, garlic and wrap. Shape into log then freeze till firm.
将柠檬皮碎,牛油,艾,蒜,混和。然后包起,拧成柱状,冻硬。Now, prepare the potato. Peel it and boil till half cooked. Cool it then slice thickly. After that, cook the sliced potato on pan till brown or roast in the oven till brown. Set aside after done.
马玲薯去皮,用水煮,半熟, 待冷。然后切成厚片,烤至金黄色或煎。Bacons turn now. Wrap the chicken fillet (sprinkle some black pepper on the fillet) with the bacon, secure with a toothpick. Then fried on the hot pan with some olive oil.
Finally, placed bacon-wrapped on the potato. and top with butter slice. Done!
next time left some for me..or mayb u can come my house cook for me..haha..
thank you for giving's my pleasure to cook for ya
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